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Leaking Refrigerant
How Can I Tell If My A/C is Leaking Refrigerant?
Leaking refrigerant will not only make it difficult for your air conditioner to work efficiently, but it can be dangerous to your health.
What Is Mildew and Should I Be Concerned?
Many homeowners believe that mold and mildew are the same thing, but they are completely different. Learn what mildew is and its potential dangers.
High Water Bills
Common Reasons Why Your Water Bill Is So High
Unfortunately, high water bills do happen, and they're often from a common plumbing problem. Be sure to check these most common plumbing problems.
Can I Replace Only The Outside HVAC Unit?
Most residential air conditioning have two main components: the indoor and outdoor units. But is it possible to replace just the outdoor unit?
Air Conditioning Estimate
Questions To Ask During Your Air Conditioning Estimate
There are many factors that go into an air conditioning estimate. Asking questions is a great way to get a cooling system that meets your needs
Toilet Repair
Why Won't My Toilet Stop Running?
Having indoor plumbing is a blessing when it works right. But, when you notice a problem like a running toilet that won't stop, it can be frustrating.