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Heater and Humidifier During Winter

Combine Your Heater and Humidifier During Winter

As winter sets in, most people change filters and make sure that their HVAC systems are in working order. One crucial element that people often miss is the humidifier. Your heater and humidifier should actually work together. They make your home comfortable during the cooler months.

Why Cooler Temperatures Need a Humidifier

Do you know why you should use the heater and humidifier together in the winter? To answer this, you need to know how moisture and air temperature relate to one another. Higher temperatures mean the air can hold more moisture. This is why it's easier to deal with "dry heat" versus "wet heat". It's also why some people prefer not to use relative humidity rating. On a hot day that's 75% humidity, the air contains much more moisture than a cool day at the same relative humidity. On cool days, the air feels dryer. This is because it can hold less moisture. Many of those days have lower relative humidity to begin with.

When you turn on your HVAC system to keep your home warm, you increase the temperature. The moisture stays the same. With increased temperatures, the relative humidity drops. This is why winter brings drier skin, hair, and eyes. This is also when static can become a problem. Some people also experience dry throats in cooler weather for the same reason. The throat, like the eyes, works best when moisturized. Besides these symptoms, some people have breathing conditions that can get worse. Asthma and sinusitis are two of the most common.

Benefits of Using a Humidifier

Using a humidifier can increase your comfort. This is true even if you don't have a respiratory condition. Increasing the moisture in your home can reduce static shocks. It can also reduce itchy skin when temperatures drop outside.

There are many benefits of using a humidifier to raise the relative humidity in your home. One is that it will feel warmer. This is because of the moisture in the air. You may be able to turn down your heat. This can save a little money!

Types of Humidifiers

Some homeowners opt for an in-duct humidifier. This may be something to consider if you are installing a heater. Your HVAC professional can do both. This is so that you do not have to consider heat and humidity as separate things. It's not always necessary. A powerful, stand-alone humidifier can do the trick. There are several types of humidifiers to consider.

  • Evaporative mist humidifiers use a saturated wick to pull air and add moisture.
  • Warm mist humidifiers boil water to increase humidity in the air.
  • Ultrasonic humidifiers use vibrations to create water droplets in the air.

A professional at Harwich Port Heating and Cooling is here for all your HVAC questions. If you want to have a humidifier installed, let us help you. We can suggest a humidifier that is best for you and your family. Contact us today if you need more information!