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HEPA or MERV: Which Filter Is Better?

When it comes to enhancing the quality of air in your home, having the right HVAC filter makes a difference. The better the filter, the better it is at removing airborne particles from your indoor air. Two of the most common and most talked about devices on the market today are MERV and HEPA filters.

What is a MERV Filter?

MERV stands for minimum efficiency reporting value. It's a rating given to air filters on a scale of 0 to 16. The higher the MERV rating, the better it is at stopping several sizes of airborne particles. Most MERVs are efficient at removing larger airborne particles. In fact, MERV 13s can remove up to 99.97% of particles from the air.

This type of filter is often used in both household and industrial settings. For most average households, having a MERV rating between 8 and 10 is ideal. If you have respiratory illnesses or severe allergies, you may want to invest in a higher rating. At the high end of the scale, MERV 13s are often used in commercial and industrial facilities. This type of filter is less expensive than HEPAs and you can use them in a wide variety of settings.

What is a HEPA Filter?

HEPA stands for high efficiency particulate air filtration. This type of filter is often used in hospital and medical settings. In this environment, high filtration of even the smallest airborne particles is necessary. This type of filter can remove 99.99% of Airborne particles. If HEPA filters had a MERV rating, they'd be between 17 and 20 due to their higher filtering capability. This type of filter is best when you're concerned about removing small particles from the air.

Which Type of HVAC Filter Should You Get?

The type of filter that you invest in is going to depend on the environment that you're going to be using it in. For most homeowners, a MERV is the best option. It will take care of removing most of the harmful indoor pollutants that you find. MERVs are affordable for the average homeowner. There's a wide selection. Because of this you can buy a higher rating if you have respiratory or allergy conditions.

HEPA filters are usually reserved for medical settings. Having the ability to remove very small airborne particles in this setting is vital. These filters are expensive and need routine replacement by an HVAC professional. Because of this, these aren't recommended for homeowners.

Call Us Today

If you're interested in investing in a MERV or HEPA HVAC filter, then it's time to contact us today. Let our helpful HVAC professionals assist you with all your HVAC-related needs.